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Ayesa Middle East visits the British School of Bahrain

Written by ByrneLooby, An ayesa company | 20 October 2022

The importance of engineering to communities

For schools, creating stimulating, collaborative, safe, and sustainable learning environments will help create the critical thinkers of the future. At Ayesa, we know we have a part to play in teaching the younger members of our communities about the importance of engineering and its role within society.
Last week, some of our engineers from ByrneLooby - Bahrain visited the British School of Bahrain to talk about the local projects our teams had delivered and the importance of engineering to communities. At the end of the presentation, there were some new constructions made using recyclable materials and there may be some future engineers in our midst!

Post-visit, the team received lots of drawings and thank you cards from the children who were aged 4-7 years of age. One of the thank you card messages from the school mentions:

It was so cool!" - one of the children, said.

 We would like to thank Lerika Campbell, Ali Muradi, and Zainab Muradi for taking the time to teach these young students about the importance of engineering and how to apply creativity and problem-solving with their lively, interactive presentation. We would also like to thank the school for the opportunity and the hard work of Josh Attwood in helping to bring STEM to our local community in Bahrain. 

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About Ayesa
. Ayesa is a global provider of IT and engineering services with over 12,000 employees and offices in 23 countries. The company develops and implements digital solutions for the private and public sectors and uses the latest technology to provide cutting-edge infrastructure design and supervision services. Visit: https://www.ayesa.com/en/